uBlock Origin For Internet Privacy lvl 2

Now things are heating up. Not really– more like getting more detailed and kinda tedious, but if you want to be more secure then you have to go in detail. This will be very detailed, but will be broken down into small bite sized pieces per the usual. So let’s get started.

uBlock Origin is a very privacy respecting app that allows users to block most privacy intrusive elements a website presents by blocking various scripts on a website.

To add and activate in your Firefox click the triple lines in the upper right hand of your Firefox window and select “Add ons and Themes“.  in the search box type uBlock Origin. Select “Add to Firefox”. Its up to you whether or not you want it to run in Private Windows, but it is an option.

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[Oct 3 2020] Arduino Weather Balloon Project

Project AALAB, or the A(utomated) A(rduino) L(ow) A(ltitude) B(alloon) is a weather balloon project I’ll be researching for a projected launch date of summer 2021. The point of the project is to show that an arduino controlled balloon could launch, communicate its findings, & be successfully recovered for future relaunches. The ultimate goal is to have a weather balloon connect to an AURA unit so that I may have a drone fly from the edge of space down to the ground. I’m sure there’s some legislation that I must abide by, but I’m sure there’s a permitting system to navigate around to make my dream com true. Despite the dream, we will focus on the easily attainable & work with the AURA attachment at a much later date.

Continue reading “[Oct 3 2020] Arduino Weather Balloon Project”