[Update: 13Jan25] 3D Printing 101/102

3D printing is a not-so-new technology that has applications for day to day hobbies, industry, and surprisingly aerospace. I’m not going to try and sell 3D printing to you as that’s why there are other websites that do that. Let’s get into the meat and potatoes.

3D Printing 101

Getting Into 3D Printing

Very easy, occasionally mind melting when you feel that nothing is going your way, but as long as your a tinkerer and know how to use Google you'll be all good. I will be updating this article as time permits so it serves as a one stop shop for all your needs. Saves time and frustration as I've learned first hand since some videos and tutorials leave out key data points that would otherwise save you from tearing out your hair. Below is a list of upgrades that will enhance your 3D printing experience. Do you need to drop $700 now? No. But keep the chart in mind when you decide to do incremental upgrades, because as you gain more experience and start tinkering, you'll inevitably want to make some changes to your printer. And I know first hand.

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